Collum’s review 2024, on conspiracies

Dave Collum, a Cornell University Professor of Chemistry and widely recognized commentator on politics and economics, has released his anticipated annual Year in Review for 2024. Known for his appearances on various podcasts and his detailed analysis of current events, Collum brings an academic's perspective to complex societal issues.

In this year's edition, Collum opens with an intriguing examination of 30 conspiracy theories that have gained attention in recent years. While maintaining scholarly discretion by not explicitly endorsing specific theories, he indicates his belief that many of these narratives warrant serious consideration.

Here is the list:

  1. 9/11 was an inside job.
  2. Kamala Harris was groomed by her mother via MKUltra to become a Manchurian candidate.
  3. Pizzagate is real and tied to Satanic rituals.
  4. The QQQ index has a price-earnings ratio that exceeds 100.
  5. Lindsay Graham is the love child of Nancy Pelosi and Peanut the Squirrel.
  6. One million children a year disappear to consumers who are never identified.
  7. The 2020 election count was rigged.
  8. We never landed on the moon.
  9. Anthropogenic climate change is a hoax and a grift.
  10. The Covid-19 vaccine and crisis-based healthcare policy responses tied to the pandemic killed more people than did the Covid virus.
  11. 75% of prescription medicines have no efficacy.
  12. Greater than 75% of those in Congress and the Senate are controlled by blackmail.
  13. Steven Pollock did not fire a single shot in Las Vegas.
  14. The authorities are hiding evidence of alien contact and alien technology.
  15. US tactics and policy during World War II were under the control of Joseph Stalin.
  16. The world is flat.
  17. JFK and RFK were whacked by operatives tied to intelligence.
  18. The DOD—think chem trails and HAARP—is modifying weather for tactical purposes.
  19. The world leaders are shape-shifting reptiles.
  20. The holocaust was fake.
  21. FDR knew the Japanese would attack Pearl Harbor and let it happen.
  22. Jeffrey Epstein isn’t dead.
  23. The Covid virus was generated in the lab under the auspices of the US bioweapons program.
  24. Michelle Obama is a biological male (Big Mike).
  25. The Clinton Foundation trafficks children.
  26. Ryan Routh and Thomas Crooks are/were intelligence assets.
  27. There is something seriously wrong with the Sandy Hook shooting narrative.
  28. Directed energy weapons (DEWs) are being tested by starting forest fires.
  29. Fluoridation of water is not about making our teeth stronger.
  30. The mainstream media does not need revenues, which are easily covered by the deep pockets of the Deep State, but desperately needs viewers.

Dave Collum’s annual Year 2024: